NDC Letter to President Biden

The United States will convene world leaders for a Climate Summit on Earth Day this year. Leading up to the Summit, President Biden is expected to unveil a new, aggressive plan to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions between now and 2030. The plan will include the updated U.S. NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) for carbon reduction as part of the Paris Agreement. All 194 parties of the Paris Agreement are required to come to this year's United Nations climate conference (COP-26) in November with updated NDCs. Current NDC commitments fall far short of what's required to limit temperature change to 1.5°C, including the NDC from the United States. As the largest carbon polluter in history, an ambitious U.S. NDC would serve as a powerful signal to the rest of the world. 

This letter from health professionals and organizations urges President Biden to be ambitious as he crafts the U.S. NDC. America’s health professionals will work tirelessly with this Administration, and with all future Presidents and their Administrations, to help America deliver on ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions. We know that doing so is one of the most important ways we can help ensure the good health and wellbeing of all Americans.

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